Friday, 3 April 2009

Finished product

This is my finished product. after reflection on my previous finished products i realised that i needed to make some amendments to not only improve the quality, but also improve the appearance of my magazine. For my front cover i realised that at the bottom of the page it defiantly looked like it was lacking attention and detail, so instead of having a picture on the top half and plugs at the bottom i decided to have the main image dominating the entire page and plugs and sub headings going down the side of the page. this is also conventional of a music magazine. For my contents page, again, after reflecting on certain aspects that i could improve i decided that i needed to add more detail and make the page look more full, this will encourage people to think that they are getting more value for their money. i decided that i would have a short extract from the main story so people will be able to read it and be intrigued to read on. Along the right hand side of the contents page i have done a weekly section. This will not only give more reading to the purchaser, but this also indicates that the magazine has been around for so long they have already had to make certain popular subjects weekly. Along the top of my contents page i have put a title saying 'contents' i wanted to make this really big and dominating, therefore i made the title stretch across the entire page. i put two pictures of artists on the contents page, i did this to make the page not only look more interesting but also so the reader will know straight away what artists are in this magazine. For page '2' the title for the article was 'new band hits the street' and then goes on to write a small section on the new band and finishes off by a rhetorical question. this will again make the reader want to read on.

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