I am going to be making a contents page for my magazine, in my contents page i am going to include images with captions, some more small pop up information and also page numbers to designate certain stories. i have made a rough idea of what i want my contents page to look like, not only so it gives the reader the information they need and also to look attractive.
For my mock up of my contents page, i have created a contents page that not only gives all of the information that the reader will need, but also that looks attractive.
As the contents page is only the second page into the magazine, it is likely that potential buyers are going to look at the front cover and then flip to the contents page to see what stories are in it. knowing this, i wanted to have a contents page that not only isn't too busy, but also looks attractive and fresh. the colours of my contents page is not yet on it, but for the main background, i plan to have a light grey colour, this is because i don't want it to look to dark, but also not too light, because i need to remember that i am having rock as the magazines music genre. i chose to list the contents in small boxes, this is so there is not too much writing packed into the page all together, and i am also going to have a small picture that is relevant to each storyline. i am going to have the page numbers in small boxes within the larger boxes. This will be better reading to the reader, because they will be able to look at the pictures, decide which band or topic they want to read about and then they will immediately see the page number. I wanted to make my contents page like this, because i didn't want it to look too complicated, and i wanted it to be easy reading. I have planned for the background to be light grey. I am not going to have the contents boxes and particular colour, because i don't want it to look too busy. so for this reason i am going to keep the boxes plain white. this makes the magazine, not only look fresh, but also simplistic and not too complicated. My main headline that says 'contents' is going to be in a big bold style. it is also going to be light grey, to contrast with the grey background. this will be distinguishable from the background because of the under shadow on the bottom of the title. For the font in the boxes i am going to have verdana in bold. The reason i chose this specific font, is because it is easy to read. I am going to have a different font for the numbers to designate the pages. this is because i want the numbers to stand out, because the page numbers is what a contents page is for. i decided to go with 'Courier' I chose this writing because in bold it looks cold and Gothic, which contrasts well with my chosen music genre.